Exported on 11-Nov-2021 11:16:56
1 - Get PsVersion (Parallel Concurrency)
This is an automatic variable that gets details about the version of PowerShell running on the Target Machine
The connection details have changed from the last step.
Login as user {Attune Node Credentials} on node {Attune Node}
# Writes the text in front of the CMDLET
Write-Output "Below is the Version of PowerShell Running on your PC/Server"
# Pause the script for 3 Seconds
Start-Sleep -s 3
# Get the PowerShell Version running on the Server
# Writes the text in front of the CMDLET
Write-Output "Complete"
2 - Get ComputerInfo (Parallel Concurrency)
Get ComputerInfo
This gets all operating system properties of the Target Machine and echos it.
Login as user {Attune Node Credentials} on node {Attune Node}
# Writes the text in front of the CMDLET
Write-Output "Below are details about your PC/Server"
# Pause the script for 3 Seconds
Start-Sleep -s 3
# This is to get the details of your Server
# Writes the text in front of the CMDLET
Write-Output "Complete"
3 - Get ExecutionPolicy (Parallel Concurrency)
Get ExecutionPolicy
This gets the execution policies for each scope in the order of precedence of the Target Machine
Login as user {Attune Node Credentials} on node {Attune Node}
# Writes the text in front of the CMDLET
Write-Host "Below is the list of ExecutionPolicy on your PC/Server"
# Pause the script for 3 Seconds
Start-Sleep -s 3
# Get the ExecutionPolicy on the Server
Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
# Writes the text in front of the CMDLET
Write-Host "Complete"
This is a Blueprint of Basic PowerShell commands on Attune for Parallel Concurrency of 2 (Two scripts will be run at the same time)